

Management System For Fundación CMPC

The content of this note sumarizes the work that was done for the obtention of Computer Science Engineer degree, whose paper is available for reading in Concepción Universy's repository.1

A prototype of a management information system was developed with the general objetive of supporting the operational and management processes of the area of school accompaniment from Fundación CMPC

With security and modularity in mind, the architecture of the system was designed with 3 layers, considering UI, relational database, and a REST API as an intermediary

Diagrama de Arquitectura

The implementation was done with React.js for the interface, Express.js for the API and PosgreSQL as database manager.

Three types of actor were considered, "Administrador" as the users in charge of managing more sensitive information, "Asesor" representing those users that will realize daily tasks in the platform, and finally "Encargado de Ciberseguridad" to represent the requirements from CMPC's cibersecurity department.

